CFTC Rule 180.1

Prohibits fraud and manipulation, and attempted fraud and manipulation, in connection with any swap, commodity contract or future for sale in interstate commerce.

Rule Overview

Jurisdiction: United States

Regulator: CFTC

Topic: Market Abuse

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Further Reading

This CFTC Rule implements CEA 1936 Section 6(c)(1).

The CFTC has interpreted this rule broadly to extend its traditional jurisdiction beyond future, options, and swaps to pursue fraud in cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

An exception to the prohibition contained in 180.1(a)(4) ensures that any person who mistakenly communicates a false, misleading, or inaccurate report and does this in good faith will not be caught out by the rule.

Rule 180.1(a)(1)
Using any manipulative device, scheme, or artifice to defraud
Rule 180.1(a)(2)
Making untrue or misleading statement or omitting a material fact to the same effect
Rule 180.1(a)(3)
Engaging in any practice operating as fraud or deceit
Rule 180.1(a)(4)
Delivering by any communication means false or misleading or inaccurate reports
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